With both of our vans empty and all 17 pallets of goods now distributed our aid journey shifted focus to purchasing goods for our partners in liberated villages in Kharkiv and Donetsk oblasts.
We are grateful to Plebeian Helpers for providing funding for the goods purchases as well as Mako for the support with operational expenses. We also received help from the volunteers joining us on the journey.
For our Buy & Deliver (B&D) missions we ask each location about their greatest current needs. The focus this time was on tools, hygiene goods as well as food across 4 liberated villages.
Please message us if you would like to sponsor future Buy & Deliver missions or donate to https://www.gofundme.com/f/uaid-direct-humanitarian-relief-for-ukraine . It costs us between 1,500 to 2,000 EUR to fill up a van. Every contribution matters.